You can see color blind test very clearly by mixing color technology that we spent many years to invent.
Doctor/Checker can not see you wear lens or not. This is leading technology that help us develop our business.
Payment using PayPal (the biggest payment company in the world). If you don’t receive lens or lens not same as we described, your money will be paid back to you by PayPal Buyer Protection.
Location: Binh Xuyen industrial zone, Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province, Vietnam.
Hotline: +(84)855.027.369
Authorized capital: 1,900,000,000 VND ~ 82,600 US Dollar.
Business License as shown below.
Go to your nearest bank with your National ID Card then take 5 minutes to do. Debit card of Visa or MasterCard is faster.
Just need your email & phone number, creating time is a few minutes. Click here to see the tutorial.
Click here to see how you can pay and what is Paypal’s Buyer Protection.